Welcome to Monument Academy Homeschool Partnership, keeping partnership at the forefront of our mission, this program will benefit home educators and students throughout Monument and the surrounding communities.
Our partnership will provide one Enrichment class weekly. In addition to their weekly enrichment class, students may attend optional workshops of their choice on Fridays.
- Experienced and Licensed Colorado Teachers and Leadership
Parent Chosen Curriculum - $250 per child in curriculum purchases of parent choice
- Curriculum Library- check out curriculum, learning resources, manipulatives, and skill specific workbooks
- Weekly enrichment class infused with specials and Core Knowledge curriculum concepts
- Friday Clubs designed around student interests
- Small group tutoring tailored to student need
- Free access to a variety of resources such as:
- Mystery Science
- Reflex Math
- Whoo’s Reading
- Typing Pal
- NWEA and Dibels assessment tools
- Visits to school library
- MA Grade Level Core Knowledge Days
- Support with Instructional Strategies, Planning, and Curriculum Choices
- Small Group Learning Environment
For More Information
Are you interested in learning more about the Monument Academy Homeschool Partnership?
Please call 719-481-1950, ext 1706 or email the program Manager, Janyse Skalla, at jskalla@monumentacademy.net
Schedule a Tour
To register, please submit a Letter of Interest located under the enrollment tab. Click on the button below.
Once completed, Monument Academy will contact you to inform you of the registration process.